Success Story: Finding the root cause of violent outbursts!

by | Chiropractor Care, Natural Care, Pediatric, Testimonials

When Bowen first came to AFC his parents were desperate. Their sweet kiddo was struggling with violent outbursts and disengagement with family. Bowen has a diagnosis of autism and sensory processing disorder. He was angry and dysregulated and his parents became worried about his future. 

They tried speech, OT, ABA, and were getting nowhere. His mom recognized they were only treating the symptoms but nothing was getting to the root cause!

When they came in for Bowen’s neurological scans, they felt so validated, they felt they could finally understand what’s been going on with him.

The first changes they noticed were with his digestive system. Then he became calmer and reengaged with the family. “It was subtle at first and only noticeable to us as parents. Then everyone in his care team and our family noticed.”

His mom shared “He is a totally different kid. Whenever he has a tough day, we know we need to go see Dr. Kevin. When he gets dysregulated, the events only last a few minutes (rather than hours) and are emotional rather than violent. It’s like night and day.”

We are so grateful for Bowen and his family, and we love getting to celebrate the wins alongside them!

Office Hours

9am – 12pm & 3pm – 6pm
9am – 12pm & 3pm – 6pm
9am – 12pm & 3pm – 6pm
8am – 10am
Saturday & Sunday

256 Seaboard Lane, Suite B-105
Franklin, TN 37067

(615) 590-9618

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