Decoding Autism: Exploring Genetics, Triggers, and Hope

by | Chiropractor Care

As parents, we’re continually traversing uncharted territory, searching for answers and solutions to safeguard our children’s well-being. Among the most daunting challenges many of us encounter is grappling with autism and its origins. With autism rates soaring, affecting 1 in 36 children today, it’s imperative that we delve into the contributing factors behind this multifaceted condition.

The journey to comprehend autism often commences with a pivotal inquiry: Is autism solely genetic? Even now, many of us cling to the notion that genetics and heredity are the sole explanations for the sharp rise in autism diagnoses and the wide spectrum of symptoms. However, we’re here to challenge that assumption and introduce an empowering new perspective.

While genes undeniably exert influence through genetic predisposition, there’s a growing acknowledgment, even among traditional medical practitioners and media outlets, of an “environmental” component. Yet, this recognition often remains superficial, with the environment portrayed as a nebulous concept. Herein lies our divergence—we’re committed to delving deep into the genuine root causes and identifiable triggers of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Today, we comprehend that a formidable environmental “Perfect Storm” brews for children contending with autism, with genetics playing only a minor role in the broader context.

This blog is crafted for you, parents and caregivers of children across the autism spectrum, seeking clarity, community, and care options that explore the genuine origins of autism. Instead of simply attributing it to genetics and hoping to navigate its challenges, our aim is to furnish understanding and practical solutions.

We’ll introduce what we term “The Perfect Storm,” wherein accumulated stressors and dysfunctions disrupt nervous system function over months and years, reshaping childhood development. Our objective is to equip you with drug-free approaches that will guide your child through their storm.

What “Environmental Factors” Contribute to Autism?

It’s unequivocal that genetics alone fail to unveil the complete narrative surrounding autism. While more than 100 genes contribute to the risk of autism, mutations account for merely 10% of cases. This realization propels us to delve into the environmental influences that contribute to this condition.

So, what precisely are these pivotal environmental factors? As Neurologically-Focused Chiropractors, we delve deep into the origins. Prenatal or maternal stress emerges as a significant catalyst in autism development. Pregnancy marks the inception of what we term the Perfect Storm, where maternal stress can profoundly impact fetal development. If you experience stress during pregnancy and remain entrenched in a fight-or-flight sympathetic stress response, your baby absorbs those stress hormones via the umbilical cord, establishing a connection between your nervous systems.

Birth trauma also assumes a critical role. Interventions during childbirth, such as forceps, vacuum extraction, and cesarean sections, exacerbate the storm. These procedures exert immense pressure on your baby’s head, neck, and delicate brainstem, potentially inflicting significant physical trauma, particularly to the brainstem and nervous system.

Subsequently, subluxation ensues, triggering additional challenges when your child’s nervous system is pushed to its limits. Their immune and digestive systems bear the brunt, resulting in frequent illnesses. Traditional pediatricians often resort to prescribing antibiotics and other medications, which can exacerbate matters by disrupting the gut-brain connection.

But the complexities extend beyond these factors. Considerations such as exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), household toxins like mold, chemicals in everyday products, and toxins in medications and medical interventions should all be taken into account.

Environmental Factors Lead to a Dysregulated Nervous System

What impact do these stressors and toxins have on a child’s developing nervous system? They precipitate a neurological “tipping point,” disrupting the delicate equilibrium and locking the nervous system into a sustained fight-or-flight response.

This dysregulation of the nervous system carries extensive ramifications, influencing various facets of a child’s health and development. From compromised gut and immune function to difficulties with motor skills, sleep disturbances, and inflammation, the reverberations are profound.

As these challenges accumulate, the brain and nervous system grapple to adapt, culminating in the hallmark features of autism. Communication hurdles, difficulties with social interaction, sensory processing issues, stimming behaviors, and patterns of restricted and repetitive behaviors emerge as tangible manifestations of this underlying dysregulation.

Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care Can Help

Parents, if your child has received a diagnosis of autism and you’ve been informed that there’s little you can do due to its purportedly genetic nature, it’s time to delve deeper. Recognizing the potential impact of environmental factors can guide you towards discovering avenues for genuine healing and markedly improving your child’s quality of life.

At Addasu Family Chiropractic in Franklin, TN, we comprehend the profound neurological underpinnings contributing to the prevalence of autism, and we leverage advanced technology, such as INSiGHT Scans, to pinpoint subluxation and neurological imbalances. Progress is attainable! By addressing root causes, we can systematically restore nervous system function through gentle chiropractic adjustments. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Addasu Family Chiropractic today and realize that shifting your perspective empowers you to unveil new pathways to advancement for your child. If you’re not in our vicinity, explore the PX Docs directory to locate a PX Doc near you!

Office Hours

9am – 12pm & 3pm – 6pm
9am – 12pm & 3pm – 6pm
9am – 12pm & 3pm – 6pm
8am – 10am
Saturday & Sunday

256 Seaboard Lane, Suite B-105
Franklin, TN 37067

(615) 590-9618

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